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Success Stories


Upstander at APSU

A Peer-Led Model 


Recent data indicate that 26% of female and 7% of male undergraduates will experience sexual violence on a college campus. Recognizing this, the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (TCEDSV) aims to increase protective factors that prevent violence on college campuses by implementing a peer-led, evidence-based violence prevention program called GovsCare. Peer educators are leading an evidence-informed education and training program on sexual violence (SV) and IPV prevention designed for college students utilizing Upstander curriculum. The program is designed to increase prospective bystanders’ feelings of responsibility, skills, and confidence to intervene when witnessing an IPV or SV situation. Pre/post-test survey results show that all targeted protective factors have been strengthened for the peer educators as well as the students they have trained. Students report an increase in intent to intervene, both on behalf of friends and strangers. They also report an increase in confidence and skills needed for intervening.  92% of satisfaction survey respondents reported that the information they learned in the training was useful and could be applied in their lives. 

Economic Empowerment Initiative at CHETN

Strengthening Economic Supports for Families


In partnership with Community Health of East Tennessee, the Economic Empowerment Initiative is designed to help vulnerable populations who are most at risk of domestic violence achieve financial independence and rebuild their lives. The program utilizes the Moving Ahead Through Financial Management curriculum that covers a variety of important financial topics including budgeting, managing debt and improving credit and has been proven to help at-risk populations move from short-term safety to long-term security. This program is currently based in rural East Tennessee and hopes to expand into other communities across the state.

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Girls in a Sports Practice

Be The Friend Campaign

Take a Stand Against Dating Violence


The Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence launched a social media awareness campaign to education people, specifically targeting 14-24 year olds, on the warning signs of dating violence and how to support a friend who may be in an abusive relationship.  The campaign includes a series of infographics and videos that show the power of friendship and support, as well as give people information and resources.  To date, this campaign has made over 15 million online impressions and the videos have been viewed over 2 million times.  


404 BNA Dr., Suite 210
Nashville, TN 37217



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This website is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of financial assistance award NUS4CE002305 and Grant UF2 CE002444-04. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.


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